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Coming up at Ballarat’s Rare Trades Centre

Visit Ballarat

27 Jun 2024

Filed underSee & Do

Learn something new while preserving something old at Ballarat’s Australian Centre for Rare Arts and Forgotten Trades.

Known as the Rare Trades Centre for short, the attraction shines a light on contemporary trade and craft practices that derive from historic or artisan trades.

Help conserve Australia’s rare trades by signing up for one of the centre’s experiential workshops with world-leading practitioners.

Main image: Bueno Design

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Across Victoria’s Midwest, we acknowledge that we travel across the ancient landscapes of many First Peoples communities.

These lands have been nurtured and cared for over tens of thousands of years and we respect the work of Traditional Custodians for their ongoing care and protection.

We recognise the past injustices against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in this country. As our knowledge grows, we hope that we can learn from their resilience and creativity that has guided them for over 60,000 years.

As we invite people to visit and explore Victoria’s Midwest, we ask that alongside us, you also grow to respect the stories, living culture and connection to Country of the Ancestors and Elders of our First Peoples.